Agrarian Reform is considered wider than land reform. The term comprises not only land reform (such as the reform of tenure, production and supporting services structures) but also the reform and development of complementary institutional framework such as the administrative agencies of the national government, rural educational and social welfare institutions and not limited simply to the question of the relationships of the farmers to the land.
It encompasses all programs designed to bring about improvement in all the institutions surrounding farm life, as well as companion measures necessary to make the work of the tenant, farm worker, and owner cultivator successful.
It means remedying not only the defect in the distribution and use of land but also and especially, the accompanying human relations regarding land, including economic, social and political relations.
It is concerned not only with the farmer and the land he tills but also with the community he lives in.
In the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (RA 6657), agrarian reform is defined to mean the redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and regular farm workers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement, to include the totally of factors and support services designed to lift the economic status of the beneficiaries and all other arrangements alternative to the physical redistribution of lands, such as production or profit sharing, labor administration, and the distribution of shares of stocks, which will allow beneficiaries to receive a just share of the fruits of the lands they work.
Republic Act 6657, or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, is the legal basis for the implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). This law embodies the State policy of pursuing CARP aimed at liberating the vast potential wealth of Philippine Agriculture by giving the majority of the Filipinos the real and rightful stake of the land. Today, under Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, CARP is being implemented from the perspective of directly contributing to the administration’s social equity agenda as the foundation of growth and development of the countryside.
A nation where there is equitable land ownership with empowered agrarian reform beneficiaries who are effectively managing their economic and social development for a better quality of life.
A province attaining peace and development in the countryside through successful CARP implementation where AR communities play significantly as base of support for sustainable and equitable economic growth and political stability of the province of Agusan del Norte.
To lead in the implementation of agrarian reform and sustainable rural development in the countryside through land tenure development and provision of integrated development services to landless farmers, farm workers and small landowner cultivators, and the delivery of AR justice as key to long lasting peace and development in the countryside.
LAND TENURE IMPROVEMENT – through acceleration of land acquisition and distribution (LAD) and leasehold operation. There are two basic schemes under this program by which ARBs could have security of land tenure. These are: 1.) direct transfer of ownership of the land to the ARBs (Land Acquisition and Distribution) and 2.) leasehold through the execution of leasehold agreements or contracts between the landowners and the tenant-tillers.
(1.) LAND ACQUISITION AND DISTRIBUTION (LAD) - This involves the redistribution of all public and private agricultural lands, regardless of crops produced or tenurial status of tillers to qualified farmers and farm workers subject to the retention limit and just compensation to the landowners. LAD consists of a series of activities which DAR and other relevant government agencies undertake. These are: 1.) identification of landholding and the ARBs; 2.) land surveys; 3.) documentation and preparation of claim folder for landowner’s compensation for acquired private agricultural lands; and 4.) registration of title and awarding to ARBs
(2.) LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS - The DAR seeks to improve the tenurial arrangements for farmers who work on lands under the retention limit of the landowners and lands covered but not yet acquired. To this end, the DAR implements leasehold in these areas.
PROGRAM BENEFICIARIES DEVELOPMENT – through provision of support services to agrarian reform beneficiaries to increase farm production and household income and promote sustainable rural development. The measure of successful agrarian reform is anchored on its equity of social justice – land to the tiller, and sound rural development and industrialization by mainstreaming farmers in the rural economy and transforming them into responsible and successful rural en
trepreneurs to contribute to national economic growth. Through the DAR’s dynamic PBD program, various interventions are introduced to empower farmers and become partners in catalyzing change in their community.
1.) AGRARIAN REFORM COMMUNITY (ARC) DEVELOPMENT – This is an area focused intervention designed to propel and sustain national growth through a people centered, concentrated, holistic approach in community development. It is the overarching framework that guides the DEPARTMENT and other CARP agencies in delivering integrated development interventions on land tenure improvement and program beneficiaries’ development.
ARC CONNECTIVITY - This is a new strategy wherein development in the ARCs will radiate to non-ARC barangays that will benefit more ARBs and communities. Each barangay will complement the development concept of the cluster barangays which is conceived to undertake agro industrial development endeavor focusing on production, processing, and marketing of products where they have competitive advantage.
These ARC clusters shall be devoted for the production of rice, corn, coconut, palm oil, vegetables, among others.
2.) FARMER’S ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Farmer’s cooperatives play an important role in the development of successful ARCs. These serve as channels for support services such as credit, marketing support, and training programs for their members. These assistance are exclusively provided to members, hence DAR encourages non ARB members to join organizations for their own economic benefit.
(a.) KALAHI Farmer’s Centers (KFCs) – One of the conduits in improving the delivery of support services not only to ARBs in ARCs but also to ARBs outside ARCs is the KALAHI Farmers’ Center. The center operates under the principle of shared responsibility and accountability for technical and financial resources among partners from the government, civil society, business sector, farmers’ organization, and agricultural research institutions.
(b.) Credit Programs for ARBs – One of the major support services provided by the Department is the extension of credit and financial services to ARB cooperatives/people’s organizations and various farmer’s associations. ARBs are linked to financing institutions as source of their capitalization such as LBP and NLSF.
(c.) Marketing Assistance Program – DAR is implementing this program to enhance the marketability of ARBs produce in the local and even in the global market.
a.) Economic and Physical Infrastructure Facilities – The DAR provides infrastructure facilities mobility of people in the ARCs, enable intensive cultivation of farm land, and improve post harvest processing of farm produce. Other infrastructure support for basic social needs of the ARBs such as potable water system, health centers, school buildings, rural electrification, among others are also provided.
b.) Foreign Resource Mobilization – ODA portfolio of DAR has increased significantly over the years. This is an indication of the support of the foreign donor community to CARP and confidence in the DAR to implement development cooperation projects.
AGRARIAN JUSTICE DELIVERY – through swift resolution of agrarian cases and settlement of agrarian conflicts. The DAR through its agrarian legal assistance is mandated to provide free legal assistance to ARBs through the process of mediation and conciliation and representation of ARBs in quasi-judicial and judicial courts. The DAR also administratively resolves cases involving the implementation of agrarian reform laws, particularly on matters of landowner’s retention, exemption from CARP coverage and land use conversion. The DAR is also vested with quasi-judicial powers and primary jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate agrarian reform matters through the DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB). It hears and decides cases and disputes in a most expeditious manner.